It’s Official

We’re trading in the RV for a couple of backpacks, at least for a little while. The plan right now is to spend next January and February charting a loop through north Central America. We’ll fly into Belize, but expect to spend most of our time in Guatemala; possibly dipping into El Salvador, Honduras and Southern Mexico. We just bought airline tickets, so we’re on our way.

One of our ambitions is to spend an extended period vagabonding around the world. But up until now, we’ve never done that kind of travel. All of our trips have fit in the typical one to two week vacation style. We’ve always returned from those excursions eager to keep going, but this will be more of a test. We’ve never spent so long navigating foreign countries, often lost and unable to speak the native language. It is one thing to fly to a destination city and have a taxi take you to your hotel. It’s quite another to traverse large geographic areas and multiple border crossings utilizing public transportation. Others have done it; so can we. But how well we handle the challenges and hardships will likely determine whether a larger around-the-world trip is truly in our future.

But for now, we’re looking forward to a winter of tropical rainforests, volcanoes, Mayan ruins, monkeys, and more. Very exciting times.


2 Comments on “It’s Official”

  1. Sid Kaye July 14, 2011 at 12:44 pm #

    Hostels can be a valuable source of info as you will meet other “travelers” not tourists. Many will have done, or are planning to do what you are proposing. They, along with “lonely planet” will serve you well. Good luck on your journey.


    • Brian July 18, 2011 at 8:00 am #

      Thanks, Sid. We’ve heard as much but haven’t experienced it directly. This is a new kind of travel for us; one we hope suits us because we’d like to do an awful lot of it.


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