Tag Archives: Desert

Buckskin Gulch

Buckskin Gultch, Slot Canyon, Wire Pass, Desert Landscape

Buckskin Gulch in southern Utah is the longest and deepest slot canyon in the southwest and quite possibly the longest in the world. It also happens to be the first slot canyon we had the opportunity to hike.

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Is This the Best National Park in the U.S.

Bryce Canyon National Park, Landscape, Hoodoos, Sunrise

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

There’s a certain “love the one you’re with” aspect to judging things. Whether books, or movies, or music, or – in this case – national parks, we often give preference to our most recent experience. Still bathed in the glow of something amazing it is difficult to rank older experiences objectively. Was that incredible place we just left really that much better than the incredible place we visited earlier in the year? We can’t sample them back to back in a blind taste test. Which is probably why our annual “Best Of” travel articles are always so hard to put together. It’s also why this particular post is expressed in the form of a question.

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