Tag Archives: Humor

Soylent Green for Travelers

Soylent Green

My very first thought upon reading Rob Rhinehart’s plan to entirely stop eating food in favor of slurping self-made nutritional drinks was that it’s just one more example of how the world is full of weirdoes.

Eating is, after all, one of life’s great pleasures. It just might be the greatest human pleasure.

Think about it. Not even sex elicits as many orgasmic moans of delight as does food. Hell, you don’t even have to eat the stuff to get that response. The mere smell of a well-prepared curry has the power to send me into a full-blown When Harry Met Sally. What sane person would want to give that up?

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Worlds Largest Buffalo, Jamestown, ND

The sign read “Welcome to Jamestown, ND, home of the World’s Largest Buffalo.” At 26 feet tall and 60 tons, the concrete buffalo statue is unquestionably big. But world’s largest? Certainly humanity possesses the engineering capability to build an even larger buffalo. I know the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai rises 2,717 feet in height. With all that’s at stake, I worried for a moment that civilization might be teetering on the precipice of a largest buffalo arms race; with town after town rushing to build ever larger bison for the purposes of, well, what exactly?

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