Tag Archives: Yellowstone National Park

The Ordinary Beauty of Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park Horseback Ride Landscape

Yellowstone is anything but ordinary. Diverse may be a better one-word description of this iconic park. Huge is another good contender.

At 3,472 square miles, Yellowstone is more than two times larger than the entire state of Rhode Island. Even the massive volcanic caldera that gives rise to its signature hot springs and geysers still only represents about 40% of the park. The rest is covered by seemingly endless miles of natural beauty that is more typical of what we’ve come to expect from our national parks.

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The Otherworldliness of Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park Mammoth Hot Spring Landscape

Ignorance truly is bliss.

To say that we were ignorant about what we’d find at Yellowstone National Park is a bit of an understatement. We knew the park contained a geyser called Old Faithful but not much beyond that. We assumed, given its close proximity to the adjoining Teton Range, we’d mostly find more of the same at Yellowstone: alpine lakes, mountains, and rugged natural beauty. What we found, instead, was like nothing we’d ever seen before.

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