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Our New Favorite Store

Stonewall Kitchen

We discovered Stonewall Kitchen during our foodie walking tour in Portland, and happened upon another store in Camden, Maine. Nearly everything in the store we’ve had the opportunity to sample is out of this world: from the unique (roasted garlic, onion jam) to the exotic (habanero, mango hot sauce) to the ordinary (country ketchup).

In talking to the store owner, we learned that most of their products are used as simple dips or spreads, which is a bit of a shame. There is so much here with the potential to make excellent meals. We picked up a couple of salsas (peach and verde) to try out with some new Mexican dishes. Can’t wait.

Beech Mountain

Beech Mountain, Acadia National Park

Beech Mountain is in the less-trafficked, southwestern part of Mount Desert Island and is a hike we probably wouldn’t have done if not for the recommendation of Jean and Scott, of popover fame. It turned out to be one of the better hikes we did in Acadia. So thanks, guys, on a good tip.

Sandy Beach

Sandy Beach, Acadia National Park

Most of Mount Desert Island is surrounded by a beautifully inhospitable, rocky, coastline. The small exception is aptly named Sandy Beach, seen here from atop Great Head peninsula. Cliffs on each side not only provide dramatic scenery, but also funnel cold ocean air onto the beach, which is quite refreshing on a hot summer day.

The hike up Great Head turned out to be fairly easy, notwithstanding its classification as “moderate.” The trail is a loop and you can choose to either follow it to the right or to the left. We’d seen some other folks turn right on the trail so we decided to go the other way, because, screw them. As it turned out, the way we went looped around a fairly gradual assent to the pinnacle. Going the other way requires a somewhat arduous climb up the cliff side. Ha-ha, suckers.

Sandy Beach, Acadia National Park

Cadillac Mountain

I’m a lousy lazy photographer. If I weren’t so lazy I’d try harder to get places, or return to them, when the lighting is better. Too often we hit places at mid-day when lighting is at its absolute worst. It really does make a difference, as these pictures atop Cadillac Mountain near sunset attest.

Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park

Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park

Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park

Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park

Cadillac Mountatin, Acadia National Park

Peace And Quiet Near Thunder Hole

Thunder Hole, Acadia National Park

Once the holiday hordes left, we ventured out to the more popular areas of Acadia. Here we set up chairs in the shade near “Thunder Hole,” which wasn’t all that thunderous at the time. It’s probably a good thing, though, because all of that racket would have distracted us from the books and snacks we brought.

We ended up leaving this spot earlier than planned because we somehow got caught in a strange time warp where our cell phones ran an hour fast. Either Thunder Hole bends time, or we managed to get far enough East for Verizon’s satellites to have us in another time zone. I don’t know which, but I’m guessing the Thunder Hole thing.

Otter Cliff, Acadia National Park
Otter Cliff, Acadia National Park