Down In The Boondocks

“Boondocking” or dry camping is RV slang for camping without the benefit of utilities: electric, water, and sewer. Shannon & I have never “boondocked” before, because it was never necessary to visit the places we wanted to go. Even the state campgrounds always had water and electric service. But Everglades National Park is a different story, and we’ll be without hookups for a week. It will be a nice test-run to see how we like, or at least how well we’ll cope with, “primitive” camping.

But “primitive” is relative. We’ll carry in 86 gallons of fresh water in our holding tanks and will have a generator and battery back-up for limited electric service. We’ll burn propane for heat and hot water. Even our refrigerator runs off of propane. So there won’t be much we’ll do without. Basically, it’s roughing it for pussies, which is right up our alley. But we’ve never done it before, so it’s new to us. And it is an exercise in conservation. Although we can carry in a lot of stuff, whatever we carry in is what we have to work with. We’ll be 50 miles from the nearest grocery store, which is kind of the point. But being so far from civilization requires a bit more planning than most places where you can run out for whatever you forgot.

I’m looking forward to it. Not only are we going deep into mostly undeveloped territory, we’re also laying the groundwork for many more similar excursions waiting for us down the road.  How exciting.

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