The Visual Feast that is George Town

George Town, Malaysia

We may not have done nearly as well eating in Malaysia’s “Foodie Capitol” as we had hoped but that didn’t stop us from feasting on an impressive smorgasbord of a different variety. And while we would never claim George Town is an obviously beautiful city in the way that, say Hoi An in Vietnam is, there are enough pockets of visual attractions scattered about town to make it a worthwhile place to explore. Just be prepared. As with its culinary treasures, George Town plays a bit coy by hiding some of its best bits in out of the way places.

Relatively new by Asian standards, George Town was founded only a couple of hundred years ago in 1786. And even though the city feels old, most of its attractions are quite new.

The Pinang Peranakan Mansion, for example, dates only to the end of the 19th century.

Pinang Peranakan Mansion Temple

The even more impressive Khoo Kongsi clanhouse (the largest and most elaborate such temple in the country) was built around the same time in 1906.

Khoo Kongsi clanhouse George Town 1

Khoo Kongsi clanhouse George Town 3

But the most memorable and, I think, iconic features of George Town today are the wonderful large-scale murals that dot its city streets. These pieces of art are so well integrated into the fabric of George Town’s architecture that they feel as old as the city itself. And yet they were only completed a few short years ago, in 2012.

George Town Penang Street Art 13

George Town Penang Street Art 15

Even more modern are the wrought iron wall installations still going up around town that provide small doses of local history in a far more interesting and entertaining form than the traditional wall placard.

For anyone visiting George Town, the Tourism Board makes available this handy brochure and “treasure map” showing visitors exactly where all this great art is hidden. As for food, you’re on your own. 

But most of all, remember . . . 

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5 Comments on “The Visual Feast that is George Town”

  1. lovetotrav May 25, 2015 at 9:29 am #

    Visually, it still looks stunning. Rustic, authentic and real. I think I would really like it. Glad the architecture and the street art could make up for the food.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. CurlyTraveller May 25, 2015 at 10:16 am #

    Great post! I loved Georgetown as I love d Hoi An. Both very charming and interesting.

    I saw 4 to 5 murals in your article that I did not see when I was in Georgetown. Either they are new, or I missed them.


  3. digger666 May 25, 2015 at 10:38 am #

    Reblogged this on digger666.


  4. ekaterinacalaber May 25, 2015 at 11:46 am #

    Fantastic pictures of Street art, I really enjoyed it!


  5. williammcgregor518 May 27, 2015 at 8:06 am #

    Hmm, I think Brian and Shannon are doing a great job, letting us see those beautiful wall arts and others, it would be hard to visit George town only once. 🙂


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